Feeding Body and Soul: The Ukrainian Church's Response to Spiritual and Physical Hunger

As Ten Men’s permanent ‘in-country’ volunteer, I am proud to write about the efforts of our Ukrainian partner church, Church of Praise - Odesa  and their refugee food distribution program. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has left many families displaced and struggling to meet their basic needs. Our church partners, recognize the importance of both physical and spiritual nourishment, and have stepped up to help in both areas.

A team from our partner church delivering food to villagers who can not make the journey into town for food distribution day. 

Refugees who are displaced from heavily affected cities in the east of Ukraine are encouraged to register online and visit the church on Saturdays. Here, they are not only provided with a food package, but also given the opportunity to listen to a sermon and be prayed for and blessed. This combination of physical and spiritual support is crucial for these individuals who are facing prolonged stressors and uncertainty.

An exciting note to point out is that the Ukrainian church is growing in leaps and bounds by the day! So many churches that began with only a few families in regular attendance before the war, are now bursting at the seams with new believers. God is moving in mighty ways and its so exciting to be a part of His plan for Ukraine.

Refugees listening to a sermon by Pastor Vitaly. 

As we all know, nutritious food is vital for our overall health and well-being. During the winter months, it can be especially challenging for refugees to get enough protein and vegetables. This is due to war-related supply chain issues that make it difficult to access these vital food groups. Our church’s food distribution program is designed to help bridge this gap, providing refugees with the nutritious food they need to sustain themselves and their families.

The contents of one of our current food packages. Note that not much protein is shown, this is due to a shortage. Please pray for continued nourishment. 

I want to take this opportunity to call upon all our readers to pray fervently for the work being done in Ukraine. The laborers in the harvest are facing many challenges, and their work is essential for the survival of many families. Please also pray for God to provide for our monthly operational needs, as we seek to continue this important mission.

Pastor Oleg, praying for and blessing a Ukrainian Soldier on one of our ministry trips to the front lines. 

I continue to be inspired by the efforts of our Ukrainian partner churches, to bring hope and support to those who are suffering in the midst of conflict. Through their food distribution program, they are providing not only physical nourishment, but also spiritual nourishment, reminding refugees of their worth and the love of God. I urge you to join us in this mission by praying for the work being done in Ukraine and by partnering with us in this important cause. Be blessed.