Ukraine Digest: 138 days of war

I want to share with you our video report this July 11th, 2022 after 138 days of war.

Your prayer and support mean alot to me personally, and I trust these updates encourage you – so that you can see what an impact you are making.  Thank you for your part in this ministry!

We are seeing so much accomplished by following one clear principle:  we are here to empower Ukrainian pastors to meet the needs of their nation!

Ukraine Digest: 138 days of war

Here are a few photos of 86 people being evacuated by a bus that has 55 seats! This happened a few days ago with another evacuation taking place today.  

I should point out that when a bus like this  comes out with people, we have an opportunity to send it back filled with humanitarian aid.  Right now we are loading $2,500+ of supplies that include medicine, hygiene products, diapers, and food for the many displaced in the East.  Every seed you sow makes a difference!

Just as we prepared this video update I received a video "thank you" from one of the gentlemen I had mentioned.  American men serving on the front line without any medical supply were brought to my attention. We were able to send four ALS medical backpacks out for their use.  I thought you might enjoy what I received back!


Feel free to share these updates with family and friends, and please encourage everyone to visit the Armada website and hit the subscribe button!

Let me know how you are doing.  A few kinds words dumps a ton of encouragement over here!  And yes, if you hit reply, I will read it!


Emergency Alert
Thank you for your heart to help the people of Ukraine. Every gift received viathe Armada Network is being directed to ministry on the ground in Ukraine. Helpempower our network of trusted relationships as they work day and night duringthis terrible conflict. We need you. You are