Ukraine Digest

I want to share with you a video report from June 3rd, 2022 after 100 days of war.

I apologize for my sparse communication of late, and will do my best to improve in the future. I am in Ukraine now, coordinating and organizing needed support to the East. Continue to pray that Ukraine withstand this demonic, Russian onslaught.

Air raids again last night, the most eerie sound to awaken you at 3am.  I sit in the dark praying that God destroy the missiles incoming, and protect the people unaware. I ASK that the Lord help and sustain those who had to flee yet another city swallowed up by war. I again SEEK for wisdom to know how to help and where it's needed. I'm not going to give up, I'm not going to stop, it's time to KNOCK on the door of heaven one more time for answers to flow. Thank you for praying, also.

Again, thank you for your faithful support.

And please, let me know how you are doing. I would be blessed to hear from you!

Emergency Alert
Thank you for your heart to help the people of Ukraine. Every gift received viathe Armada Network is being directed to ministry on the ground in Ukraine. Helpempower our network of trusted relationships as they work day and night duringthis terrible conflict. We need you. You are
Make your contribution here.