A Short History of Lancaster Church of the Word.
It all began in 2006. On the 28th of May, my wife Teri and I gathered in a home with three other couples to pray. The Holy Spirit came on us so strongly in that little meeting that I remember mentioning to our host how “something was born in the Spirit tonight.” We all agreed to return the following Sunday evening for another time of prayer.
That following week there were dozens more who gathered, and as before we prayed only, and sought the presence of the Lord. It really surprised me how the word had gotten out, and how many hungry hearts responded. That quickly we had outgrown a large home.
Following the Lord’s direction, we held our first service the next week, on June 11, with over a hundred people in attendance. The following weeks were very foundational to all that the Lord has done and is doing. I encourage you to enjoy these messages, as important now as they were then:
The Gospel is the Power of God, part one