I learned early in my life and ministry how important partnership is in the plan of God. In fact, He designed everything in the Kingdom to operate inter-dependent. We need one another. Paul’s analogy of the foot and the hand; the eye and the ear is perhaps the best illustration of this spiritual law. There is great diversity without division.
In our first pastorate, the Lord had called a dear saint, Mary Ruttan, to pray for us every day. She was very bold to tell us what she was called to do. She carried our photo as a bookmark in her Bible, and she was writing me monthly updates on what the Lord revealed to her in prayer. For nearly twenty years, we were the subjects of her prayers and intercession. I am sure Heaven will reveal to what great extent her praying was the source and power of all that God did through us.
I remember just days before she moved to Heaven, how the Lord spoke to me and warned me: “Mary Ruttan is coming home soon. You should gather a team of intercessors around you to make up the difference.” Imagine that! Because of her absence, a TEAM would be necessary to fill her place.
In 2014, the Lord brought Teri and I into a new and larger sphere of ministry. We had to step forward in ways we had not foreseen. Greater demands were placed on us and we had to make greater sacrifices. How could I leave an established Church and ministry to go out into an unknown area?
I wasn’t prepared to do what was necessary — not until the Lord showed me the steps that others around us had already taken. He showed me an amazing tapestry of people and events that He had prepared. He had moved people into their place so that we could step into ours. It was humbling to see the reality of partnership.
We could never fulfill what God had called us to do if they had not made their commitments and sacrifices to fulfill what God had called them to do. When one member suffers, we truly suffer together; and when one member rejoices, we all rejoice together.
That’s what partnership is all about, and that’s why I place such respect on the partnerships that are forged by the Spirit in Armada.
And that’s why I am asking you to prayerfully consider becoming our partner. The Lord has prompted me to reach out. I don’t take this lightly, and if you are reading this I’m sure you do not either. It’s important to know where we belong and what the Lord would have us do.
What is a partner?
First of all, Teri and I need relationships where we can share our heart privately, where we can regularly communicate the issues, the challenges, the miracles, and the teaching that the Lord is ministering through us. Quite honestly, it’s often in political areas where we do not have the liberty to speak openly to the public. Some news and some events must be kept in close confidence.
Then, we need these faithful friends to pray and intercede for us on a regular basis. We believe that the prayer and intercession of our partners “makes up the difference” in every challenge we face and in every victory we receive!
Finally, we need financial support to keep us independent from the groups and organizations that would try to manipulate or influence our voice. The Lord has been able to use us up to this point because we have learned to live the life of faith. We stand apart. We are able to remain independent, objective and true because of our faithful partners.
If you sense in your heart that God would have you partner with us, we are honored. We are delighted to have your faith and confidence joined with ours. We rejoice that you pray and intercede for us. We are humbled to receive your financial support.
Be sure to subscribe to our website, and let us know how we can be praying for you! We would love to hear from you!
Thank you for your part in this ministry.