Greetings from Ukraine! I'd like to start off by introducing myself. I'm an Advanced EMT / Tactical Medic as well as a medical instructor in multiple disciplines. After spending some time in Syria (2017) as a humanitarian medic (Operation Good Neighbor), God took me on a 3-4 year journey of discovery and healing. During that time, I was continuously praying for an opportunity to serve in His harvest full time.
Then, in April 2022, I was asked to consider a long term, volunteer commitment as Field Operations Director of the Ten Men Project. After seeking the Lord's guidance and receiving council from friends, family and my employer, I began the process of selling my car and getting rid of my apartment. On April 20th, I moved to Ukraine and began my life here.
It has been an incredible journey of growth so far, I have found a loving church family and have made many life long friends. From personal experience, I can say it is an INCREDIBLE experience to find your purpose in Christ. I encourage you to daily seek your place in His harvest. You will never regret it!
We are already in the first week of October after seven long months of a war of aggression. Winter is rapidly approaching. There are many reports coming out of the far east: Russian forces are conscripting Ukrainian males and forcing them to fight against their own country. As a result, thousands of Ukrainians have fled Russian occupied territory in the past few weeks and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future.
As a result, the Odessa Regional Government expects 70,000+ internally displaced persons (IDP) to arrive. Through the TenMen project we are empowering Ukrainian pastors to minister effectively to this flood of new refugees.
We need your support to provide necessary items like food packages, meals ready to eat (MREs), generators, winter clothing, baby formula, camps stoves, sleeping bags and hygiene kits.

As the future of this conflict remains uncertain, one thing we can be sure of, the increasing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is not going away any time soon. This war has destroyed the Ukrainian economy. There are reports that many companies in Ukraine are laying off employees as winter approaches. This will only feed into the crisis.

We are continuing to deliver humanitarian aid into towns and villages that have been recently liberated from Russian control. Many of these towns have been without electric and running water for more than six months! The needs in these devastated areas are massive and will only worsen with the weather.
We Need Your Help
Partner with UsWe need a variety of volunteers! Has God laid it on your heart to serve in Ukraine? Do you know someone who may be interested in going? We need zealous people recruiting others to assist us! Email or call us at (223) 255-1376 for more information or to begin the journey!
Consider partnering with The Ten Men Project. Help us pay for the many incidentals: from airline tickets, to lodging, fuel, meals, etc. There is a lot going on behind the scenes to make this work.
Perhaps you would like to sponsor an entire team yourself?
Please share this email with your friends and family. Encourage them to subscribe to the website so we can send updates directly to their email address.
Continue to pray for the work in Ukraine. The war has not stopped, innocents are still dying and tremendous atrocities continue to be unleashed upon the civilian population. Pray for the peace and safety of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.